Your satisfaction is our highest priority. If you are not 100% satisfied with your order, you may return your order to our warehouse within 30 days of receipt for a full credit of the amount paid for the merchandise plus applicable taxes.Items returned must be unused, undamaged, resalable, with the original packaging and complete with all included parts in order to be eligible for a refund. Your Refund will be processed immediately after receiving the product. This may take up to 2 business days. You may be assessed a charge for missing packaging or parts that will be deducted from your refund. Returned items that were originally shipped free of charge are subject to a deduction of outbound (and return, if paid by Young Farts RV Parts) shipping charges from any refunds issued unless we have made a material error in the processing of the order. We also reserve the right to apply a further restocking fee totaling up to 30% of the amount paid for returned items or cancelled orders to offset order processing and handling costs.
PARTS THAT HAVE BEEN INSTALLED OR USED IN ANY WAY CANNOT BE RETURNED FOR REFUND. Do not request return authorizations for any such items. All returns are inspected upon receipt at the warehouse and credits will be disallowed for any item found to have been used, installed or in other than resalable condition. In these cases the customer is responsible for paying return shipping prior to return of the items.
Installed items that are defective may be eligible for exchange with a new part. RV Part Shop is happy to assist customers in obtaining replacement parts where possible. In some cases, our manufacturers have chosen to handle warranty and defective item claims directly with the customer.
Refunds are issued only back in the same manner as the original payment was made.
returns on used parts are subject to contacting us. Returns on all electronics are not possible due to the possibility of installer error resulting in damaging the part. In Most Cases returns on used parts will not be granted.
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