Young Farts RV Parts provides products without warranty. While certain new items may be accompanied by manufacturer warranties, it is important to note that Young Farts RV Parts itself does not offer any warranties on its products.
For extended warranty options, Young Farts RV Parts has partnered with CPS Warranty to offer additional coverage. It is imperative to understand that this extended warranty is a separate agreement from Young Farts RV Parts' offerings. Therefore, customers are advised to conduct thorough research and review the terms and conditions provided by CPS Warranty before purchasing any extended warranty products.
Please be aware that the coverage and terms of the extended warranty are beyond the control of Young Farts RV Parts. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the coverage aligns with their needs and expectations before making a purchase.
By purchasing extended warranty products through CPS Warranty, customers acknowledge and accept that the terms and conditions of the warranty are governed solely by CPS Warranty and are independent of Young Farts RV Parts' policies and responsibilities.
Young Farts RV Parts disclaims any liability or responsibility regarding the terms, coverage, or performance of extended warranty products offered by CPS Warranty.